Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Data, Data, Data

Warning: Rambling Rant

Senior-itis has set in. With only a week before their final paper is due, some students have yet to turn in a rough draft. It was due a week ago, but they must turn in a draft before I even look at a final paper. I reminded some of them that their final paper grade will be reduced since their drafts were late. They seemed utterly shocked that not having a draft would hinder the final grade. They also seemed appauled that I would actually make them work. I mean, come on, there are only three class periods left. Do we really have to work? ugh.

Bright spot... I have found two students who are actually providing their peers with truly constructive and helpful criticism -- [one consistently] --both online and face-to-face comment are fabulous. I've decided to interview one of them to find out what makes him tick. How did he get so good at offering writing advice? How doe he begin go critique a paper? I brainedstormed with Natalie to come up with ten questions in hopes of picking his brain!

I've got the interview set up for tomorrow morning. More data to review for this summer. :)


smb said...

Hey! I thought I could edit my post? I wanted to make a link to Natalie's blog, but I forgot. Can I go back and edit my post? Did I click something I wasn't supposed to?

Anonymous said...

LOL LOL LOL - Stacey I loved that you've gone online unedited. I've discovered some "issues" myself tonight as I tried to include two images that weren't squished next to each other - ya gotta love technology :)

In regards to the senior-itis I remember dealing with this myself. Interestingly it was much less of a problem at junior high than at the elementary school with my 6th grade students. Finding a "relevent" assignment was a challenge that first year, but I got better as time went on.

I can't wait to read the results of the interview - I hope we don't have to wait until next week before you re-post. You know I'm NOT a patient person (well, I'd like to think I'm patient in some areas of my life) - I want to know the answers NOW!

Honestly, I'm getting excited to hear the results of all the research out there - can't wait until the end of June.

Jason Clarke said...

It's an interesting balance at the end of the year, isn't it? It doesn't help that so many teachers are already checking out, let alone the students. Stick to your guns, Stacey, they've got to produce! The rest of the world doesn't check out for summer, so they better get used to it now!

The longer I teach (Yes, I realize the irony of saying that in my third year) the more I realize how important planning the semester is. I've reordered my units every time, and now I think that this year I've finally found a good note to end on for second semester 9th graders. Hopefully my t-r "experiment" will work for my 10th graders and I'll finally have a way to finish that class in the spring, which has been a struggle in the past.

Bud Hunt said...

You can certainly re-edit a post. Look for your old posts in your Blogger dashboard.
My seniors are pretty studious right now -- it's the rest of the bunch that are beginning to loosen up a little too much.

camdaram said...

I would love to hear how that went.