Thursday, July 19, 2007

To-Do List Re-Do

Well...I can't quite believe that it's been two weeks since AI. I don't have much to show either. I still need to finish compiling my data. I'm soooooooooo close to being done, but I apparently can't quite bring myself to finish. Maybe I have such attachments to the data that I don't want to be finished with it...not exactly. I just need to sit down for about an hour and finish it. argh!

So to answer where I am now... same place I was two weeks ago. I haven't moved much. :)

Here's what I think now...I'm a slacker who still has a to-do list.

These are the questions I still have...umm...why am I a slacker?

Still To-Do...Again

*go through all of my data --both online and in paper format -- combing for some sort of pattern *define terms [constructive feedback, purpose of writing group

*read the articles I emailed to myself

*outline of a deadline draft

Keep your fingers crossed in hopes that I'll have more to report next week!


Anonymous said...

Hey there - glad to see that although you're sighing you're doing so without guilt! I feel the need to move forward because I don't have the data that you have, so I've got more work in front of me than you. And really - can you be a total slacker and still know where your stuff is? Don't think so!

Remember your writing group is out here to help - I'd welcome the chance to get together and listen to what you've got going.

Finally - I'll ask you to take a look at the main blog again and see if there's any feedback you can offer on my tentative evaluation rubric. I posted it to the main page but fear that it's been pushed down and people won't see it. Your feedback would be invaluable.

Rebecca said...

For the record, the extent of my work with my research has primarily been mental. I'm not sure that that counts, but it is better than nothing. All of this to say, you are not alone. The list you have will give you some focus, and I'm sure you'll get some work done sooner rather than later. :)

Jason Clarke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jason Clarke said...

Whoops, sorry about that. I wish there was a way to edit comments the way you can with a post!

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I think you're making excellent progress despite the feeling that you're "slacking." We're all in the same boat, with a lot to do and little time to get it all done. I swear the summer gets shorter every year; I can't believe it's nearly August already!

Cindy O-A said...

Or maybe we could start an organization called Slackers Anonymous? I would be a lifetime member....

You know, I'm reading--okay, I'm just dipping in and out (see, even here, I'm a slacker)--a book of essays by Joyce Carol Oates called _Faith of a Writer_, and in it, she says that she spends much of her time daydreaming while she looks out her window. She says the daydreaming is one of the most important things she does to make the writing life possible. And she's probably the most prolific serious writer of our time.

So that makes me feel better, but it also makes me realize that we need some time to let things stew for a while, so I wouldn't think of your break as wasted time.

If you can let go of the slacker guilt, what have you been thinking about in the meantime about what you've collected so far or what you plan to do next?