Monday, June 25, 2007

Plan of Action

Plans, goals, a direction for the next two weeks...hmm, that sounds so ominous. Now that AI is officially here, I must admit that I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do. Since my last post I have not done anything with my blog, my data, or my research. Well, I guess I did check out a book from the library. Does that count for something? ;0

  • revisit my initial research question
  • go through all of my data --both online and in paper format -- combing for some sort of pattern
  • read what I wrote after the interview
  • read Acts of Revision
  • decide what I really want to know
  • have a rough article by the end of the institute
  • outline for the conference presentation


Rebecca said...

I look forward to hearing more about your findings. It was interesting this morning to hear that the on-line component did not provide the results you had anticipated. I had believed and read some articles discussing the value of on-line writing groups; I happily anticipate stealing whatever ideas your research reveals for my classroom.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rebecca about the findings with the on-line component, I certainly would have expected that kids would relate more to the on-line format. Thanks for providing this new look at technology. It also sparked some interesting comments that had never occured to me in the past. Excellent and not at all boring :).